He knew exactly what he was talking about and he knew that the black collective was guilty of not protecting their women and girls. In the last year or two I have come to realize that BLACK WOMEN AND GIRLS ARE GREATLY DE-VALUED AND HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO PROTECTION FROM ANYONE, NOT WHITES, NON-BLACK POC, AND EVEN OUR OWN “COMMUNITY.” The late great brother Malcolm X said, “ THE BLACK WOMAN IS THE MOST UNPROTECTED PERSON IN AMERICA”. Demonizing, demeaning, and de-humanizing Black Women and Girls is a past-time on social media and THE SO-CALLED BLACK COMMUNITY SAY OR DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT IT BUT LAUGH AND MOCK, SHARE AND RE-TWEET, OR JUST REMAIN SILENT . This is the typical day in certain Negro spaces online in which Negros along with everybody else create racist, colorist, misogynoiristic memes and tweets about Black Women and Girls. colorism), sexism, and misogynoir (anti-black misogyny) not only from whites, but from MANY in our own “community” not only offline, but online and the shit is baaad, OUT OF CONTROL, and it’s not getting any better.
EVERY GOTDAMN DAY, ALL DAY black women and girls report having to endure mockery, ridicule, intraracism (a.k.a.